
Each lesson includes a brief descriptor of the purpose and scope of the lesson. Most lessons are supported with many digital resources indicated by:

Websites           Videos

The first few lessons in each category are available for immediate FREE download.To access the entire lesson library go to our Subscriptions Section where you can purchase a yearly school subscription or individual teacher supscriptions to the full 3000+ lessons library.

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Environment Units

(001) 3Rsnow5Rs.pdf : [332 KB]

The 3 Rs are now the 5Rs.

Reuse, Reduce and Recycle have always been the mantra for recycling and dealing with waste in an environmentally friendly way. But no longer – although the 3 Rs are still there, 2 further Rs have been added – Refuse and Rot (compost) not only to these new Rs make perfect sense, they also enhance the 3Rs we already use. It's time to introduce your class to the new Rs and revise the time-honoured Rs.

Best suited to Yrs 4 - 8, the lesson ideas are easily adapted to lower and higher levels. The lesson contains many links to videos and websites.


Introductory unit where students focus on aquatic environments they enjoy and aquatic environments in the local area.

Website/video supporting this unit.

NZ's 10 Most Beautiful Aquatic Environments



Multi-level science, social science, environmental and English based classroom activities. Students explore just what weedbusting is all about, identify weeds to bust and plan and carry out their own weedbusting programme. The unit concludes with spreading the weedbusting message to the local community.


BIRD TABLE.pdf : [239 KB]

There is no better way for young students to develop a greater understanding of and love of bird life than to design bird feeders/tables for the school grounds. Environmental education in a technology, social sciences and English setting.

Website supporting this unit.


folder_movies.pngVideos supporting this unit.





CLEAN UP THE WORLD.pdf : Subscription Only Download [103 KB]

These activities are language/social science related activities suitable for all class levels. They demonstrate that being environmentally friendly is simple, enjoyable and should be part of our everyday lives.

CLEAN WATER.pdf : Subscription Only Download [86 KB]

Simple filtering activities will get students thinking about how we keep our water clean and safe to drink.

ConservationWeek2023.pdf : [4 MB]


Conservation Week 2023 will be held from Sepember 5-11, 2023.. 

Download this free resource which features:

Visit the following page to discover: It's History; Timeline; Observation; Mind Blowing Facts and Why Conservation Week is so importent.

Conservation Week 2023

ECOSYSTEM.pdf : Subscription Only Download [84 KB]

What is an eco-system? How large is an eco-system? How small can an eco-system be? Is our planet an ecosystem? Why does it have this name? What relationships do plants and animals have in an eco-system. Explorations for younger students to introduce this important environmental concept.

Website and Video to support this unit.


ENDANGERED SPECIES.pdf : Subscription Only Download [87 KB]

Exploring the concept of endangered species – what it is, how this came about and actions we can take to help prevent this happening.


 Four Out of Five New Zealannd Birds in Trouble

New Zealand's Threatened BirdsThreatened New Zealand Species

Garden Survey Activities for Teachers 

Garden Survey Activities for Young Students

ENJOYING THE NATIVE BUSH.pdf : Subscription Only Download [92 KB]


A low cost and educationally stimulating experience is to plan and implement a trip through our native bush. Many students have never experienced the sights, sounds, smells, peace and atmosphere of native bush. The bush offers wonderful opportunities for life-long recreation and there is still unspoilt bush close to most schools in New Zealand. The unit provides ideas for teachers to plan stimulating native bush experiences.

Websites supporting this unit.

NZ Native Bush – Story, Images, Videos (Te Ara)

New Zealand Bird Songs and Calls – Select and Listen

Radio New Zealand Bird Calls

Beautiful New Zealand Bird Calls (Video)

ENVIRO WORDS.pdf : Subscription Only Download [81 KB]

When we talk about the environment we use many special words. In this unit students explore the meaning of environment and learn and use special environmental words and apply them to specific parts of the environment.

Dozens of Worksheets and Word Games Supporting this Unit.

ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES.pdf : Subscription Only Download [65 KB]

Trees and birds are used as the context for over twenty simple environmental challenges and activities.

FIND THE DIFFERENCE.pdf : Subscription Only Download [127 KB]

FIND THE DIFFERENCE. (Mathematics on an Environmental Theme)

A student worksheet where students are asked to circle an animal or creature that is different from the other animals/creatures in the row.

Foodwaste.pdf : [736 KB]

GREEN CLASSROOM IDEAS.pdf : Subscription Only Download [242 KB]

A potpourri of ideas for establishing a 'green classroom'.



INTRODUCING SYMMETRY.pdf : Subscription Only Download [190 KB]

WHAT IS SYMMETRY? (Mathematics on an Environmental Theme)

A student worksheet that introduces young students to the concept of symmetry. Students are asked to draw through the line of symmetry using pictures of natural objects and animals. The worksheet concludes with finding the line of symmetry on man made objects and searching for other symmetrical objects around the school.

Website Supporting this Unit

Finding Symmetry in Nature

Pictures and Activities Suppoorting this unit on Pinterest.

Board One

KERERU.pdf : Subscription Only Download [183 KB]


The kereru (NZ wood pigeons) are very important for keeping our forests healthy as they are the only birds that can spread the seeds of native trees. Unfortunately kereru are in decline through predation, habitat loss and damage, competition and illegal hunting. This unit provides ideas and linksfor your students to learn about these wonderful birds, the threats they face and their importance in the wider ecosystem. 

Websites supporting this unit.

DOC Kereru Website Section

Kereru Discovery Website

Kereru Slideshow

Videos supporting this unit.

Close-ups of Kereru Feeding Eating and Flying

LENGTH AND WEIGHT.pdf : Subscription Only Download [145 KB]

EXPERIMENTS WITH LENGTH AND WEIGHT (Mathematics on an Environmental Theme)

Students are challenged to estimate the distance around large tree trunks and find a way to check their estimations. They are next challenged to come up with other creative ideas they can use to measure around the trunks of trees.

Part two challenges students to estimate the comparitive weight of many natural objects and check out their estimations using a balance scale. The unit concludes with the students arranging pictures of many different animals in order from lightest to heaviest and being able to justify their arrangement.

LIVING OR NON LIVING.pdf : Subscription Only Download [85 KB]

Practical activities and investigations to find out what is necessary for life for living things. How can we tell the difference between something that is alive and something that is non-living?

Videos Supporting This Unit

Video One: Living and Non Living

Video Two: Living and Non Living Things


Website Supporting this Unit (including videos and images)

PBS Learning Media

Worksheets Supporting this Unit on Pinterest

NOISE POLLUTION.pdf : Subscription Only Download [93 KB]

Activities and discussion topics to introduce the concept of noise pollution in the local environment. Students are encouraged to think of the consequences and discover ways that they can protect their hearing.

Websites Supporting this Unit

What is Noise Pollution

                 Activities for Teaching About Noise Pollution

Websites Supporting this Unit

                 What is Noise Pollution Video


                 Noise Pollution Video

NoToGraffiti.pdf : [513 KB]

No To Graffiti – Yes to Community Art

Social Sciences: Students will gain an understanding that the relationship between people and the environment they live in can be badly harmed by the vandalism of graffiti tagging. They will also learn that communities can band together and take positive actions to overcome these problems and restore community pride. 

Health & PhysEd: In the context of removal and prevention of graffiti, students will gain an understanding of how participating in communal events enhances the well-being of a community. Students will also understand how planning and implementing a programme of community art will enhance their school and local environment. 

Visual Arts: By exploring the process of making a mural, supported by the study of other artists’ works, students will take an appropriate, artistic imaginative, and creative response to creating community art.



PENGUINS.pdf : Subscription Only Download [80 KB]

How tall are penguins? What do they look like? Where do they live. The unit concludes with a focus on the hoiho.

Interactive Penguin Map

All About New Zealand Penguins

Emperor Penguin Video

Yellow Eyed Penguin Video

Sucsessful Release of Penguins After Oil Spill




Activities to introduce the concept of recycling to young students. They find out what cans are made of and why and how we should recycle them.

Website supporting this unit.

15 Sustainability Classroom Ideas and Activities


5 Student Lessons Teaching Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

REDUCING WASTE.pdf : Subscription Only Download [98 KB]

Positive actions students can take to minimise waste, re-use, recycle.


Activities to stimulate observation and discussion about all the things that make up our school environment. Why do we make our school environment a pleasant place? Are there any ways that we could improve our school environment?

SEA WATER IS SALTY.pdf : Subscription Only Download [73 KB]

Activities and discussion topics to help students understand why some water is salty.

Seaweek.pdf : [3 MB]

Lesson ideas and links Supporting Seaweek 

Seaweek New Zealand

(Science Learning Hub resources)



SPECIAL PLACES.pdf : Subscription Only Download [83 KB]

We are all aware of special places in our natural environment. Students are encouraged to investigate what makes them special, what they see, hear and smell in these environments and to think of ways they could improve them and/or actions they can take to keep them special.

Additional Resources to Support this Unit

Visit these special places – many of New Zealand's beautiful beaches.

Kid Friendly Tours and Activities in NZ

                  New Zealand's First Bush School

Whirinaki Forest Tour (near Rotorua)

SPIDERS.pdf : Subscription Only Download [77 KB]

An introductory unit to the study of spiders including the purpose and structure of webs and what spiders eat .

 Websites to support this unit.

What Spider is That? (New Zealand Spiders)

Spider Facts for Kids

SPORTING ENVIRONMENTS.pdf : Subscription Only Download [95 KB]

Students are introduced to the concept that the environments that we play our sports on or in are very important. Students investigate how we can improve these environments and keep them tidy and healthy.

SustainabilityCalendar2019.pdf : [1 MB]

Sustainability Calendar 2019

Education for sustainability (EFS) challenges and engages students to think and act in ways that shows respect for and safeguards our precious environment. EFS encourages students to learn about: the total environment, the interactions between human activities and the natural environment; the consequences of these nteractions and discovering the many choices we can make to prevent and reduce activities that have an adverse environmental effect. EFS lessons and topics can cover all curriculum areas and support the attitudes and values of the NZ Curriculum. 

The web-links to each event or theme will provide you with ideas for lesson plans and classroom activities for each event including: pre-prepared lesson plans; video; information and websites for student research; student activities; images and ideas and suggestions for taking class, school and community actions in projects and actions to sustain and improve the sustainability of our environment. 

Keep dates flexible so activities can be carried out to fit in with your class programme or if the event falls during holidays or over a weekend.

TEACHER ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGE.pdf : Subscription Only Download [77 KB]

The teacher challenge is to plan a visit to the bush or the beach. Pre, during and post visit activities are provided to help teachers and young students get the most out of these environmental experiences.

THE WIND.pdf : Subscription Only Download [83 KB]

How do we know the wind is blowing? Can we measure it? Using wind words. What is wind chill factor and how does it work.

Websites to support this unit.

Two Wind Speed Challenges

Weather Measurement (including wind) Instruments for Kids

TURN IT OFF.pdf : Subscription Only Download [81 KB]

Students will learn about why it is important to conserve water and embark on a personal and class programme to conserve water.

TURN OFF LIGHTS.pdf : Subscription Only Download [88 KB]

Activities and discussion topics that introduce the concept of electricity and the most important part it plays in our everyday lives. Student then discover actions they can take to conserve electricity – in the classroom and at home.

WHAT BIRDS.pdf : Subscription Only Download [87 KB]

What do students know about birds? Where do we find them? Can they name the birds that we find in our local gardens and parks? Tons of investigations and ID bird activities including listening to pre-recorded bird songs of New Zealand birds on the web.


Vist the website 'What Bird' to allow students to see what our birds look like and to hear their songs.



WHAT IS A FISH.pdf : Subscription Only Download [103 KB]

Fish are amazing creatures and come in an almost limitless range of sizes, shapes and colours. Students will learn how fish are different and the adaptations they have to their environments.

Fish Pictures and Facts

                  Freshwater and Saltwater NZ Fish Species Gallery

WHAT IS WASTE.pdf : Subscription Only Download [113 KB]

A major unit for juniors where they are introduced to the concept of waste, the bad affects it has on the environment, and take positive action to minimise and get rid of 'ugly' waste.


WHERE WATER COMES FROM.pdf : Subscription Only Download [86 KB]

Students think about the uses of water in their everyday lives, why water is important and where does our water come from. Students are introduced to the water cycle in simple form.

Saving Water Tips for Students

WORM FARMING.pdf : Subscription Only Download [85 KB]

What are they?How do they help the soil? How can we start a worm farm at school or at home?

How to Set Up A Worm Farm for Kids Website

How to Set Up A Worm Farm Video